Friday, May 29, 2009

For the Love of a Fine Cherry

Cherry Season, originally uploaded by nutrigardener.

Well folks, it’s cherry season again here in California, and I had my first taste a couple days ago; a nicely tart but typically sweet Rainier cherry my friend Heather brought home from the farmer’s market. This week is my turn to abandon my weekend duties and instead visit the markets-I expect to find a good selection from which to taste and choose. For me, part of the fun each year is really tasting and finding the best. This is the kind of picky that really helps you understand and appreciate the wide world of flavors and also, if you strike up a conversation with the farmer, what it takes to grow a flavorful cherry.

The season in the Northwest starts in June, and what a wonderful season it is! People on the roadsides selling big boxes of cherries just bursting with crisp flavor! Dream up a wonderful confection based on cherries and tell me all about it, but do not, under any circumstances, do anything until you have had your fill of the fresh, unadulterated fruit..


1 comment:

  1. Just the picture, much less the description makes my mouth water, it has been awhile! Love the blog, my favorite picture is the chicks, too cute.
