Monday, June 29, 2009


Hi again-along the lines of the last post, I thought Beth, who writes My Simpler Life, had a great post about curiosity...

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Life Around Us

never give up 2, originally uploaded by nutrigardener.

Just a quick post. I've been going through my photos and found this from last summer. Here's an ant with a monumental task! I watched him climb this sheer cliff for an hour! I'm amazed what I see when I slow down and look a little closer-a whole other world emerges. I just love to find things like this.

Kate, of the blog The Peony and The Bee has a couple pictures up of a similar sort-a wasp with a very peculiar meal!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Water Drops Golden Gate Park

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

LORAN EISELY, The Immense Journey, 1957

Water is the best of all things.

PINDAR (C. 522-C. 438 B.C.), Olympian Odes

...and it is so so beautiful when beading up on a leaf in the early morning light somewhere in Golden Gate Park..

Monday, June 8, 2009

Salad Lover

Salad Lover, originally uploaded by nutrigardener.

I've been thinking more about the mental processes that lead us to our likes and dislikes, and just had to share this picture. I have had the joy of helping hundereds of children learn they really like vegetables, and I will post my thoughts on the subject soon, but please, add your thoughts and comments-anything work for you? is there a food that you'll never learn to like?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Making Sense of Senses

Although I have yet to read Living Sensationally: Understanding Your Senses (see my list of linked blogs), I thought it an apropriate time to post after reading this Times Online article (link below). Dr. Winnie Dunn explores an area I've often wondered about as I've worked with students in nutrition education-each individual experiences the sensations of their world differently, it shapes how they see food, love, life in general! Wouldn't understanding this be a big help in making the world a better place for us to live? I thought these pictures of my niece discovering the ocean illustrate the point quite well-these were overwhelming new sensations to her, but she was introduced to them in a way that worked for her, and she quickly learned to love the new experience!