Friday, June 19, 2009

The Life Around Us

never give up 2, originally uploaded by nutrigardener.

Just a quick post. I've been going through my photos and found this from last summer. Here's an ant with a monumental task! I watched him climb this sheer cliff for an hour! I'm amazed what I see when I slow down and look a little closer-a whole other world emerges. I just love to find things like this.

Kate, of the blog The Peony and The Bee has a couple pictures up of a similar sort-a wasp with a very peculiar meal!


  1. Hi David, I am enjoying your blog. I love the pictures. It's just beginning cherry season here in Michigan. Can't wait!

    Beth, My Simpler Life

  2. Thanks Beth! your blog is an inspiration!

  3. This is fantastic, David! I watched a tiny little ant carrying a gigantic beetle around yesterday. Insects are amazing. Nature in general is amazing. Thanks for sharing this shot. Great stuff!
